Nene needs to come back to check Porsha
I can already tell in the s16 trailer porsha’s head has gotten far too big. It does feel a bit too much like the porsha show.
Since Nene’s relationship with the network is better now, and nene and porsha are beefing, nene needs to come back. She needs to check Miss 265 party girl
Nene does suck the air out of the room sometimes but if you think about all the seasons right after Nene leaves the show, the show falls flat. Porsha cannot carry the show. She’s not a star like nene said. We need the real hbic to check the new girls (AAAAAND HOLD FRICK AND FRACKS FEET TO THE FIRE!!! Drew is a liar??? Bish whaaaaaat?? Like drew said, don’t make me call KANDI)
Nenes head did get too big but I feel like after her dramatic fallout with the network and Andy she’ll play nice.
I’m praying to the universe. Also praying for a Kenya return because if at least she came back then true BALANCE would be restored to the world. Namaste girls 🧘