Organization Tips

I know it's getting to late in the semester and the stress of uncompleted readings, uncompleted homeworks, etc. is probably piling up. I thought I would just share some organization tips I have decided to implement in order to finish off the semester as strong as possible!

  1. I know it isn't always the case but for some classes, you can have no deadline until the end of the semester, like a portfolio. And if you are anything like me you left those portfolio items until the last minute because they didn't have a 'real' deadline until the end of the semester. I am going to use Thanksgiving break to complete all the overdue tasks for that portfolio (I know it sucks, but it'll feel really good to get them done!)
  2. I have really started to get into using Google Calendars 'Tasks' it's like a pre-set calendar on GCal and you can cross them off when you finish. I just think it makes more sense in my brain to have tasks like readings to be cross-off-able on my calendar.

Example of the GCal 'tasks'

  1. I have assigned myself an extra daily reading to complete for whichever class I need to, for example, tomorrow I am completing reading Chapter 1 of my IR textbook (which was supposed to be done in September) but by creating these new deadlines for readings I am forcing myself to actually do them and it will really help me for finals.
  2. Start thinking about your study plan for finals... now. Some professors won't answer these questions, but it doesn't hurt to ask: [Also some of these questions might actually be in the syllabus, so glance over it again before asking these questions!]
    1. What will be the format of the final?
    2. Will it be cumulative or only on material from after the (second) midterm?
    3. Will it be curved? (some professors hate this question... so be wary!)
  3. Once you have gotten some or most of these questions answered, you can start to think of what you need to study and how. If your exam is going to be multiple choice, perhaps consider making flashcards to practice active recall. If your exam is going to be short answers, consider using questions from the textbook or past exam questions to write model outlines/essays. Bonus points if you go to your professor/TA and ask them for tips on these model essays - for some professors / TAs this will count as participation (if they count that towards your grade) others will just take it as good initiative and could look to be nicer when giving you a grade.
  4. Plan studying for finals alongside what and how you are going to study, think about where you are going to study. Find a few locations around campus (also nothing wrong with your dorm/room) so you can change up your studying routine and make sure you're not bored. Also make sure you are studying effectively, studying for 6 hours doesn't mean anything unless it is actually effective studying!!
  5. Really overdo office hours, just go. GO. Ask questions, show interest, and make the professor know your face. There is still just enough time to make it not look like a weak excuse to up your grade and rather a natural interest in the class (whether or not you're actually interested is your prerogative).
  6. Finally! Make sure to factor in time for yourself, this next month and a bit are incredibly stressful. Make sure you are still socializing, eating well, and trying to get some form of fresh air (even though it's really cold and dark :( ). Find time to hang out with friends, call or visit your family, engage in your hobbies, or find new ones. Don't completely isolate yourself, or drop all other interests for the sake of your grades. It will be really taxing for your mental health if you do this.

This ended up being a way longer list than expected, but I really hope this helps. We are all in this together and we can do it :) At the end of the day, your mental health and happiness is the most important aspect. So please relax, take a deep breath, and you will get through it I promise!!