Efficient Tire for 2023 EUV?

Hi all. I've done lots of research and I'm going in circles trying to make a decision. As most of you have experienced, the front two tires on my 2023 EUV are almost bald. The back tires are pretty decent. They are the stock OEM tires. I bought the car slightly used last year and the front tires were already pretty thin. I have not rotated the tires yet. And I don't have that many miles on it either. Just 18,000 mi.

I don't want to stick with the OEM tires. And it sounds like a bad idea to get different brand tires in the front and keep the rear ones. So, I feel like I'm stuck with getting all four tires replaced. Does that sound right?

From doing my research, I want to get tires at either Costco or discount tire. Of the ones they offer, I'm not sure what to get. The defender 2 and cross climates seem to have significant range loss. 10 to 15% is what I'm saying in many threads. What do you all recommend? I'm in Georgia, Southeast US. So, don't really have to deal with snow and ice much, but do want a good tire for rainy conditions. At the same time, I don't want a huge range loss either. Any recommendations for tires available at these companies?

Thanks in advance.

Update: I ended up getting a couple of Defender2 tires. Will put them in the back. Rotate every 5000 miles.