AMA Bollywood’s Most Successful Superstar actress and the one who rules hearts of everyone - The sweetest, the kindest, the gentlest , Pookiest , Dhoodh ki Dhuli - also known as Sub ki Favorite Stree - The Shraddha Babudi Kapoor

Remember only Mods can do Fake AMA

Here are the rules -

It’s all for fun, so ask questions that has scope of getting fun answers.

Don’t take this seriously and don’t begin giving me moral sermons on what a mod should do. I am Mod, not Dalai Lama

If this post hurts your heart , Liver, Lungs and Kidney (Not mentioning Brain as you can't have one, if you are hurt by a post) , make a post that you like and ignore this. There are around 100+ posts made here, go to them.

Shraddha fans - Take it in the right spirit . Show Babudi spirit, unlike other Salty fans

Since Babudi doesn’t have Richi Rich boyfriend, she can’t buy Reddit and ban this Sub….yay

All answers are given in humor with loads of sarcasm. Don’t be salty and get this post removed like my Jhanvi AMA

So, here’s Babudi taking over….Shoot your questions

Format of Questions

Start with I am a Babudi/Babuda/Just Babu - For Girls/Boys/Not disclosing

No NSFW questions

Stick to English only

Bring your Sense of Humor

Lets Begin Babudi AMA.....

For the backbenchers and Media that steals content without checking, this is FAKE AMA, Shraddha isn't on this SUB