Show Club anyone?

What’s show club? Like a book club but shows. Every Monday morning someone will select a favorite show, and everyone has a week to listen and post a review or share thoughts on it or if you happened to be there, stories of your experience.

Anyone that wants can participate, just let me know and I’ll put everyone’s name on pieces of paper and randomly select the order we pick in.

Only rule is if you wanna make a pick, you have to participate even if it’s not your turn to select the show of the week.

Edit: Also, please check to see if the show is on archive/relisten, so everyone can participate. Also, we have 51 people so far. If we hit 52, I’ll close it, and everyone will get a pick a week, or maybe we’ll spit it up into 4 rounds, like 12 weeks, with a 1 week break in between rounds covering a year, and just keep it going, depending on how it goes.

Thoughts? Ideas?