I really hope Berlin plays SOMETHING other than Horror on his channel

I know I'm probably going to get downvoted for this, but I make this post with good intentions as I'm saying this as a huge Berleezy fan, but I'm really getting tired of the constant horror playthroughs that are one-and-done. I know it's his channel and he can do whatever he wants, but as someone who's been a fan for a WHILE, I'm not asking him to post every week or every other day, but just some diversity in the games he plays. The last time he played a narrative game was 6 MONTHS ago with Dead Rising 2 which I enjoyed but he never finished (as per usual lol) and Omori 5 MONTHS ago which he started, but never finished. I'm not counting the Until Dawn remastered because he's already played it. Whenever I see him on Twitch, he's either playing a live service game or a horror game that he's planning to put on the main channel. Or he's going to be playing a sponsored game on the main channel as well. To the people who are going to comment and say, there's nothing good to play right now, I agree...But he has a huge backlog of games he could play like Yakuza Kwami, and Dangan V3, just to name a few. I know these are heavy story games, but I'm not asking him to upload every day or every week, he could even stream those games if he wants to. I'm just asking for SOMETHING different, especially since those games in his backlog he's said he'll play for years and he still hasn't played.

PS: I know people will think I'm hating on Berleezy with this post but I'm really not. I know he loves horror games (as do I) but he's gotten so many fan suggestions for games to play over the years that he's seen and has never played or abandoned which is what I'm frustrated with.
