November 2024 Contest - Accepting Submissions!

Hi everyone! I hope you've all had a good Halloween and are enjoying the beginning of November! This month's contest is now available. For those interested, please keep this information in mind:

  • You have until the 23rd at 1:00AM ET to submit your song. You can also edit your submission up until this time.
  • All submissions should be a link that leads to the BeepBox site or any of the mods (no files).
  • All submissions should be original and not posted online until after voting has concluded.
  • For additional guidelines, please check out the rules and procedures.

With that being said, the theme for this month is Abandoned! As always, the theme is open to interpretation, so have fun with it! Here is the link the submission form when you're ready.

As a final note, this is the last contest I plan on running. Future contests will need to be handled by other moderator(s). If you're interested in becoming a moderator, please fill out this form.

That's all for now! As always, if you have any questions for concerns, please let me know. Good luck, and happy beeping!