Bye Bye Baddies
The seasons look so entertaining on the trailer but when we actually find out what they’re fighting about it’s like huh? That’s it? What do we look like as grown people watching even growner people play in our face with this half-assed, over dramatized, petty, forced violence and drama? So far, every single fight has stemmed from a reason so obviously fake and forced I feel embarrassed watching, even when I’m alone. I’ve become completely desensitized to their fighting and the reasons make it wayyy worse. It’s cringy watching what Baddies has become.
Zeus took what could’ve been something way better and turned into a ratchet fighting show.
“You’re boring, I want to fight!” “You put a laughing emoji on my live, I want to fight!” “Someone told me you wanted my chain, I want to fight!” Pretty P attacked Big Lex for no reason.
I just can’t do it. I truly feel silly watching this like I actually canceled my subscription.