11 month old only wants crackers
My 11 month old will eat: crackers, puffs, Cheerios, toast and waffles. That's it. She will also accept spoon fed yogurt and puree. Literally everything else is refused. Touched maybe, followed by disgust and refusing to eat. She then cries and whines bc she is hungry, and I will eventually give her yogurt for protein or one of the above safe foods.
I have spoken to her pediatrician, she wasn't worried. I went to a feeding therapist, she also wasn't worried. Both said baby has a preference for crunchy food, just keep trying, "it takes 21 times before some babies accept new food".
We are so close to being told to wean off formula and I'm terrified. This baby won't eat! She can't live off yogurt and waffles can she?
My first ate like a champ and I'm just feeling so behind and worried.