Why exclusively pumping is so much hated?
I gave birth 6 days ago and because of the c-section I got umbilical hernia. Fairly I am devastated because I’ve been waiting for soo long to hold my baby and now I am in so much pain (still) plus I am not allowed to hold the baby because of hernia.
I’ve been, so far, at the hospital treated like I am crazy, been through a lot of social pressure because I am not holding the baby, I am not breastfeeding and how is it possible to be in so much pain… Idk I am just a human, I didn’t decided to have low pain tolerance. And believe me this sucks… and right now it sucks mentally a lot.
I am trying my best to be a good mom but my husband has to be the mom and dad. I genuinely feel cursed. I am just useless.
I wanted to discuss about the fact that I can only pump and give to the baby. This is the only thing I am doing for him. For the sake of his health and even this way I am getting a lot of hate for not doing skin to skin or exclusively breast feeding. Why is this so hated? Why people have to look at you like you are a bad mom just because you give to the baby a bottle?