What are your favourite “canon” durge builds?
I’m planning a full embrace the dark urge run with honour mode rules and want to pick a really thematic build for my durge, so I was curious what other people have done for really flavourful durge runs.
Here are my ideas so far:
OH Monk 6/Bearheart Barbarian 6: helldusk gloves for bleeding, topple with flurry of blows, and lock enemies down with wolverine maim. This is the frontrunner right now.
Ranger 2/Draconic Sorcerer 9: build around twin spelling hail of thorns on grouped enemies, keeps the sorcerer base class but gives it a more weapon based durge flare, but is a bit of a meme tbh.
Gloomstalker Ranger 5/Thief Rogue 7: gets the dark rogue theme across and maybe do shenanigans with cloak of cunning brume with the extra bonus actions. Mostly crit build or maybe using dancing glaive.
Assassin Rogue 12: Just commit to being a full assassin of bhaal. Bhaalist armour, crit gear, maybe have an ally cast greater invisibility to make use of reliable talent and stealth expertise.
Would love to hear some other people’s cool ideas or thoughts on some of these!