30yo with +/- €1M to invest, seeking portfolio advice
Hi all, throwaway account for obvious reasons,
Before I go talk to all banks, and perhaps a financial advisor, I was looking to collect some neutral opinions,
Situation: 30 yo, married, own a house (€150K outstanding mortgage) and a car, no children but this might change in the short time future - my father passed away a few months ago and I inherited a large sum of money and I am looking to the invest it.
- €7K gross (+ €1K mobility budget), €35k gross bonus if I hit all targets
Current portfolio:
- €150K in vennootschap for side job (cashing out most of that next year liquidation reserve)
- €100K in crypto (no tax rulings yet, will just leave as-is for now)
- €250K invested in various stocks and trackers
- €700K on bank account (part of it just inherited, taxes have been paid for)
- €150K outstanding house mortgage (house is worth +/- €400K)
Some things I would like to get your input:
- Is private banking worth it at this level? Wouldn't they just yeet everything on the same trackers I could also access on Degiro or Bolero and charge a % for that?
- Would you spread the funds over different banks or investment brokers to reduce risks? It does give me less leverage with the individual banks
- Would you advice lump sum investing here or rather DCAing?
- Would opening a long term savings account make sense for a part of the funds?
Thank you