I can't do this anymore

That's it. I just can't. My own mental health cannot raise this kid anymore. He was THE BEST kid until last year when he turned 15. I have holes in the walls and ceilings, busted doors that I've had to take off, so many broken things...He just got back from a week-long inpatient and we're back to square one. It mostly comes down to schoolwork. He went back to school this year in honors classes with a 504 plan. I've had to fight for every single thing to have provided for him and his teachers and school help so much but he hardly does his part. But when it comes to homework it's just hell. He one ups me with any parenting I try to give. My entire house is set up with a daily schedule that goes off to break things up and help us both stay on top of things. I have things posted all over the house to help with stressers and what to do in big moments, stress toys and objects in place...so on and so on. I'm doing all of the things we are told to do....but I'm losing steam. I'm so broken. Every waking moment is spent on him just to be treated so poorly in return. Everyone says there are these in-home programs but when I reach out there is nothing. It just comes down to being heartbroken about how kind and awesome he was and now he's just mean and I can't do it on my own anymore. I don't even want to do it anymore.