Some thoughts if you like to use šŸƒ

So Iā€™ve tried a couple times to stop cold turkey because I was worried that I was dependent.. went spoke with my psychologist and they didnā€™t like the idea but said it was obviously my choice and if I need anything always reach out.. day 1 easy up until day 4 and there I am at their office crying because I canā€™t mask. I couldnā€™t hold anything in anything back all my coping skills were gone and I felt like I did when I met her just a burnt out puddle of mess. She went on to talk with me and assure me that keeping with the low dose of edibles that I use (10mg a night like around 5pm) is what helps me in all that. Iā€™ve tried meds Iā€™ve tried so many things and this for the past 4 years had been whatā€™s helped me, but Reddit has a way of leading me down rabbit holes I donā€™t belong in like the leaves sub and that after reading post after post made me feel like I had to quit I was clearly an addict.. I explained all this and she was like .. ā€œwere you being lazy and unproductive like beforeā€ Me: no I have a great schedule and routine ā€œWere you emotionally dysregulated or being distant from your friends and family like before?ā€ Me : no I was thriving in those relationships ā€œIs it causing you to be or feel like a bad parent like beforeā€ Me: nope Iā€™ve actually felt like a fucking rock start but I let that sub convince me otherwise like weed makes you an automatic bad person and an addict After a lot of tears and talking I decided to go back and have my evening edibles ssriā€™s never worked for me stimulants never worked either (in-fact both gave me horrible side effects that made it not worth taking) I donā€™t know why I wrote this I guess to get it out of my head or maybe to see if Iā€™m not alone in this..