my son is involuntarily “crawling” middle of the night and during naps. Send help.

I put crawling in quotes because he isn’t crawling yet. He (7mo) gets into tabletop position, rocks, and starts to bawl his eyes out all while he is half asleep. If I put him back on his back, he keeps attempting to go back into crawling position endlessly. The only way I can soothe him is to nurse him back to sleep (we bedshare) but this happens so frequently that my nipples are very sore and I’m feeling touched out. I often lose my temper because I don’t know how to help him, I’m overstimulated and tired. Sleep has always been a nightmare for us since birth since he is so temperamental and particular about so many things regarding sleep. I’m at my wits end and I’ve tried to move him to the crib many times to no avail. He loses his mind and tabletops, bonking his head against the rails as he screams. It’s heartbreaking for me to watch so I give in and end up bedsharing again. I would appreciate any advice or solidarity.