Conservatives: How does banning gay marriage benefit anyone?
Question brought to you by this:
Rep. Heather Scott (R) Blanchard, drafted a memorial asking the U.S. Supreme Court to re-legalize bans on same-sex marriage across U.S. states.
I recall seeing the fight for this growing up. Gay people getting married and minding their own business shouldn't be something to oppose, in my opinion. And yet time and time again conservatives stand against it. And right now it seems you've got a good shot of getting this decision "returned to the states" again, where inevitably a bunch of red states are going to ban it.
So I ask...this helps people how, exactly?
Edit: A lot of people are coming in here and answering a question that is not being asked. So let me be even more clear.
I am not asking "why do people want to ban gay marriage". I am fully aware of the reasons why, I truly do not care to hear them repeated for the millionth time.
I AM asking how does this make anyone's life better.. Will gas prices go down? Will employment go up? Will educational standards improve? Will our infrastructure improve? Will Los Angeles stop burning?
What. Is. The benefit?