Got married on New Year’s and husband says he’s severely depressed about our relationship
He is saying that he was unhappy and unsatisfied in the relationship when we married. So I asked him why he pushed me to get married? He said because he thought that’s what I wanted since I made a comment years ago that I wanted to be married.
He says I don’t do enough to make him feel good about himself, don’t give him compliments, I’m not affectionate enough. He has shared his feedback often throughout our relationship and I will admit I have not done a good job trying to meet his needs.
He is upset that I made a Facebook post about our wedding and posted pictures, but didn’t say anything nice about him in the post. He said it’s very typical of me. That I just can’t find it in myself to say anything nice about him. I thought I was doing a nice thing by making the Facebook post, now I feel really badly about it and myself.
I feel like I’m in a fraudulent marriage. I wish he would have told me that we should not move forward with it. I married him thinking that everything is OK, because if it wasn’t, why would he marry me? I knew that he had some complaints about me, but didn’t think it was this bad.
What do I do now?