Anyone else need a lot of sleep?

I have always needed a lot of sleep. As a teenager, I could easily sleep 12 to 14 hours uninterrupted.

It’s gotten a little better as I get older but yesterday I was planning to take a nap but got busy doing things. At 7 PM I was tired so figured I would lay down. I thought maybe I would sleep a couple hours and then wake up again, but I end up sleeping straight through the night woke up without an alarm around 7 AM and then sort of dozed until like 9 AM when I had to get up for work

I thought my days of sleeping for 14 hours were over. I just feel so lazy I guess but I’m really just trying to listen to my body.

I’m curious if anyone else out there also needs a lot of sleep. I’m usually able to sleep like this once a week. Don’t think I would want to sleep this much every day