advice please for someone about to start learning code and motivations

Hi all, hope everyone Is well.

Just after some advice please before I jump into learning to code/programme.

Is Javascript the best option to learn first for me, or should I follow the advice from YT about starting with Python as it's easier the grasp?

As a bit of context. I have been recruiting in the tech space for nearly 2 years now and want to jump in and teach myself to code. I have a little experience with HTML and CSS but it's been a while so basically starting from 0 again.

What are my motivations to learn?: 1- I have a personal business project which will require a dynamic website to be built. I dont have thousands fo spend on hiring a developer and I quite like the challenge of doing it myself. I know that JS is the main tech fron the frontend and some of the back end of Web dev'.

2- travel Australia whilst freelancing. I'm looking at travelling to Australia for 6 months in about 18-20 months time. So I'd like to have a strong enough skill that will allow me to work on freelance projects to help me earn a couple £100 a month to keep me running

  1. Youtube - I've always wanted to start a YT channel and being honest it is for the financial aspect of it(I know it takes time and consistency...etc) along with a method to holding myself accountable to learning. I'm thinking that I will create a channel that documents my experience from scratch of learning to code and hopefully grow the channel ad My experience and advice/knowledge grows as well. To hopefully double up as a 2nd income whilst in Aus.

So based on the reasons of wanting to learn to code and my plans for 18 months time. Is JS the best option for me and are my goals for freelance and YT realistic?

I would love go hear your advice.

Thank you