Should I cancel my trip because of Covid-19? MEGATHREAD

Hi! You want to come to New Orleans during hurricane season a global pandemic! But should you?

No, probably not. The stock market is plummeting, schools are closing, workplaces have gone remote, entire countries have shut their borders, Tom Hanks is among the infected, and you're worried about your vacation plans.

The CDC's guidelines to follow until further notice

However, not everyone will heed this advice. If you still decide to come, don't be an asshole.
Wash your hands. Don't touch your face/mouth/eyes. Distance yourself from others. Don't pick up that random strange and rub your infected bits all over them. Most importantly: Tip every service worker that helps you. Our city runs on supporting the service industry. This is typically the busiest time of the year for service industry workers, but now these folks are worried if they'll make enough money to survive the summer slump this year. If you like New Orleans then prove it with the one thing we really care about: your money.

Since /r/AskNOLA is a terrible source for global-pandemic-related questions, any new post asking "should I cancel my trip" will be removed until further notice.

Edit: I should have included the Ready Nola site. This is where you can find up to the moment information about the state of things in New Orleans:

2nd Edit: More reason to stay at home, the Governor just ordered the closure of every casino and bar in the state. Restaurants are take out or delivery only. This will last until April 13 at the minimum.