Have you ever dated someone you knew you didn’t actually want to be with long term?

Someone who is basically filling a bit of an intimacy void while you wait to meet someone you really adore?

I know it sounds cruel but I think it's quite common among women as well

I've always had a bit of a mental image of the woman I can see myself wholeheartedly committing to being with - she's physically my type, kind hearted, funny, smart, we have some similar interests and aspirations. A needle in haystack

I have briefly dated a few women but I must admit that I did recognize from early on that they weren't that person - that I wasn't quite physically attracted to them enough, that they we weren't quite on the same wavelength with our humor, that our values and ambitions didn't quite line up.

In most cases I cut the cord upon that realization but once or twice I continued to date them for a few months just for.. I guess the companionship and sex. In hindsight it was misleading and a shitty thing to do.

I did hope that more attraction would develop over time but it never really did.

Do you guys also have a mental idea of the type of woman you see yourself being with?

Have you also dated someone who you knew deep down wasn't that person?