Engine vibration
Hi all, got a question I was hoping to get answered.
I have recently bought a Honda civic 2009 vti and have been catching it up on maintenance and repairs. Noticed that whenever I do anything that requires power (locking doors, using windows or turning lights on) the engine goes through a rumble or vibration for a few seconds then stops. I don’t think that’s normal but I could be wrong, also noticed yesterday that it does the vibration even just turning my steering wheel at idle, don’t notice it while driving ofc but could be doing it then. Any ideas or help is appreciated, the internet suggested the alternator being the issue but the vibration occurring while turning the wheel suggests otherwise.
Edit: I would like to add that it vibrates at idle and even feels like it’s pulsating ? I guess is the word? And after holding 2000 rpm for a couple seconds it goes away for abit. Any advice?