Does my sister have Munchausen? Is she really sick? And how should I react to her saying she's going to die of cancer?

My sister (37F) kept having hemorrhoids and a biopsy revealed that she has precancerous cells in her anus. She told me it was the "worst" kind of precancerous cells, which my googling has me thinking is AIN 3. I also see it called HSIL. She said it's HPV-related and "P16," and that's it's the worst of the worst. She'll be getting an evaluation of the cells and having them ablated or excised next month.

She told me that this is essentially a death sentence. That she can only get surgeries every three months to keep it in check until they can no longer do the surgeries and she will need a colostomy bag and then to go into hospice. She said the timeline on this was five years and that she needed to live her life now.

If ANYONE else had told me this information, I would be freaking out. But my sister has a history of...I don't know if it's technically Munchausen, but it is in that world. She had a very traumatic health situation in her teens, and she has spent the last 20 years extremely dependent on benzos and moving from one health "emergency" to another. It is ALWAYS something.

For years she said she was epileptic (and I think was faking seizures), but she actually did have seizures from benzo withdrawal and just convinced everyone it was epilepsy? She will keep going to the doctor over and over and over and getting tests upon tests. She's been to the ER more than any person I know. Eventually, sometimes she'll get a surgery, but I also think it's like if you go to enough doctors enough times they will finally find something wrong with you?

She says she has an autoimmune disease, epilepsy, POTS, a pelvic vein disorder, now this precancer. She does have real physical consequences of her accident, but I am worried a lot of this is psychological. It's ALL she talks about ALL the time. Like she never calls me except to be like "I have some very serious news." It's her entire identity and the only way she seems to seek approval or attention. Without getting super into it, her health scares often happen during big moments in other people's lives.

I feel like over 20 years she's extracted attention from everyone in this way so much that it barely registers. And so I worry that she's ratcheting it up. When I searched for everything I could understand relating to her condition, I got the following fact from chatgpt: "The survival rate for individuals diagnosed with and treated for AIN 3 is essentially 100% because it is not yet cancer." I know chatgpt isn't the best, but it's all I could do.

Is this true? Is this condition actually more serious as she says? I am really struggling because I don't know whether to be really worried for her physically OR, if it isn't a death sentence, then I think it's very concerning psychologically. She has kids and she shares her health info with them often.

And if she is doing this for attention, how on earth am I suppose to react when she tells me this? I don't want to undermine her. I'm really lost for what to think and am extremely worried.