How seriously do cops react to personal weed use

I'm from the UK and although weed is illegal, generally cops have bigger fish to fry than someone smoking a joint on the street. I'd estimate that this is how the majority of cops would act in the UK if they caught you smoking a joint:

-20% of the time cops wouldn't bat an eye and carry on dealing with bigger crime.

-60% of the time they'll stop you and maybe "shake you up" a bit. Search you, check you've not got an excessive amount on you or another illegal shit and if they find nothing else other than your one or 2 joints they'll just throw them away, give you a bit of a scare and then leave without any caution/prosecution.

-the last 20% of the time you'll get a jobs worth who will end up giving you a caution/prosecute you for possession.

Is this the same in Australia or are they much stricter? Also if someone is on a visa, would it be likely police would go through the while deportation process just for a single joint?