Should I take heed of the anti-immigrant wave and give up on my plans to be a highly-skilled migrant in Germany?
I visited Germany last summer for almost a month and I fell in love with the country. I have a sense of the German people from my experience I know on a personal level they are well-intentioned good people. I don't feel owed anything by Germany, I understand the people in the country are looking out for their own interests. But, my understanding from reading news articles is that there are labor shortages in Germany in the chip/electronics industry and I worked in Silicon Valley in America for 3 years and desire to work in those industries so it feels like a perfect match, and that I'm not necessarily going against the interests of the German people by desiring to live and work there.
The issue is I am Arab (Oumph) from a small crude oil state named Kuwait, and my tentative understanding is that a lot of this anti-immigration sentiment comes as a reaction to Arab refugees from Syria and other places that are not assimilating well. Generally, I understand that there is a desire for stricter immigration standards, however, I'm struggling to find information on how this will affect the worker immigration pathways.
Previously, I Studied Electrical Engineering in the US and I worked in the US in the Student training program. However, thanks to my bad luck, I did not get picked in America's H1B lottery-based work visa program. I left after my temporary authorization ended in accordance with the law despite being in America since I was 16. So my current plan is to study for a master's in Germany, to make myself a more attractive candidate for German employers, to learn the language, and network, and to increase my years of experience, using the 18-month temporary residency and work authorization afforded to international students. So i plan to immigrate as an international student and a highly skilled immigrant.
In the theme of my continuing bad luck, I am now seeing that there's am anti-immigration wave in Germany. I'm not fully informed on German politics but I have the sense that if AFD wins big, my dreams will be dashed. I know some people say that generally, people don't have problems with highly skilled immigrants who are abiding by the law, especially if they are secular and Westernized like am. But then again others say that's not the case.
I'm frankly okay if this means some people will be discriminatory towards me, I've gone through it in America, and I am confident I can learn the language, assimilate, and find my crowd. The only problem I have is legal, do you think the current state of politics in Germany will close the path towards immigration that I'm currently pursuing? I worry that German companies will have to go through even more hurdles to hire me, or worse, a lottery system will be implemented, or even worse the temporary residence after graduation will be canceled. I just wanna know if this plan I have will get more and more difficult going forward.