"Communism" Terrifies me as an Artist
I love capitalism in principle.
i think that the idea of capitalism suffer from unfair backlash lately (and i understand it, i am not stable financialy at the moment) but it is nonetheless proven to workout fine for some countries.
I am deeply antitrust to the core. And I care about entertainment and art primerely. both corporate and independant because that is my absolute passion.
And i do not think that these can thrive in a communist system, culture is a product of it's context in time and geopolitical situation. So prehaps it could create a cultural revolution. But a system without individual ownership is not going to produce a strong and rich culture in my opinion. Because if nothings dominates if everyone is equal then no identity is forged ,todays situation is worse because we identify through consumerism instead of shared values.
I want to own my craft and be free, it is my upmost dream. However,it is impossible under another system Eventhough i would gain much security but in exchange for my freedom and my willingness to comform to the new system, for "the good of society ", along with the meaning of my life in which i am already invested.
i think the real issue is democracy because why should i suffer in my right of owning goods and recourses for the common good if some people own multiple private jets. Calling for a marxist revolution in which i won't be able to own anything because of somone elses greed in utterly unfair. But so is poverty and white collar crimes. So maybe i am selfish.
The issue is democracy because the unrestricted holding of power from the few against the many makes people suffer no matter if it is under freetrade or authoritarianism or both or the deepstate or alien invaders (extraterrestrials not imigrates)
I want to become an artist and i want to become succesful.