An emotional wrecked man's reply to a Woman who is mature

So many posts and comments in this sub shows how much many of you hate women, feel women are evil and so on. It’s okay. It’s your personal mindset.

You also want 50:50 financial contribution stating gender equality. But your version of gender equality only stop at money. So my question is, why you are not marrying your boyfriends?

You think men are superior, men are better, parents who give birth to men are god and goddess. Women bring nothing on the table and all. Why don’t you guys start marrying other men??

I just read a post on this sub posted 2 days ago.

The point is men and women are completely different, gender equality is impossible. Men and Women are biologically different, emotional different, responsibility are different. Men can't give birth to a child, men and women can't be treated equally in terms of gender. One should understand men have their own insecurities and women have their own.

Men had a very different childhood their emotions intelligence is different from women they aren't mature emotionally since they don't get to see that love in the eyes of their father and women always are very accommodating to other women they talk about the sex, their feelings, their intimate moments with their partners. Sadly if a man is emotional trying to connect with other men he is treated as a gay or he just can't share the feelings as women do. If he speaks to a woman she can't be his best friend because everyone thinks they are boyfriend and girlfriend, he can't even share this with his sister. Today most men don't know how to flirt some even don't know what and how to talk with a girl over the period men lost confidence in themselves that a women would fall for them due to films.

On top of it a few women are not understanding this and they share everything with their sister or friends or mother. If a man wants to share something with his mother he becomes Mumma's boy or Mumma ka ladla, if he is Papa Ladla then he bigda hua shezada. Papa ki pari is fine, mumma ki pari or ladli is fine. but not mumma's boy. Sometimes it is better to discuss with your partner than telling everything with your friends or sister or any other person. Whether you liked it or not. Communication is not happening due to various reasons.

Gaining Mutual Respect is important it comes with time, woman should also have good morals if they need a man to have good morals. can you expect it from a man who is going to the pubs or having alcohol, weed, is having bad company around him all the time. woman can't have good morals if she is doing the same thing. Your boyfriends are not the right people nor the men your parents chose. Try to be open to talk to men who approach you in arranged marriage setup.

I agree women giving birth to a child is invaluable but to grow children into better human beings a man is responsible. The world doesn't question a women how she has brought up their children. It is the man/father who is blamed for a wrong step/steps taken by his son or daughter. Because they get the surname of their father. Mother nurtures the child only if she is staying at home, thats why she is worshipped as a goddess and if the father is involving in an affair he doesn't have the right to be called a father not even as a god.

If both are working why can't both take the responsibilities equally? what is stopping you? Why always women should only the cook food? Why always only men should gift something to a women? Why can't there be equal exchange? Why can't women contribute if men are willing to take care of the child as women did in the past? Will women earn money, men take care of the children at home and also women spend all their money for the families growth not on fancy things and makeup? since men don't do makeup unless they are rich enough or they are celebrities.