I don't believe in "too many plants"
I don't normally share my tanks since y'all are toxic most of the time but I'll give it a try. Might delete later.
These are my two guppy tanks! Separated by gender since I'm breeding the HB Red Rose strain. I decided to add several more plants to the girls tank because one of the ladies is a huge scardey cat and has had physical and mental issues when transported into my birthing tank alone. She is very attached to the other adult female. Both are from my original breeding trio. So I am doing an experiment where I will allow her to birth in the main tank and then wait for the fry to explore and I'll scoop em out then. I'm hoping the extensive planting will allow the fry to hide quickly and long enough for me to scoop them before they're eaten. Obviously since I'm breeding them I want to save as many as possible, but I know that the slower ones may not make it. I'd rather cull them myself than have a perfectly good fry eaten though :/