No academic motivation, what do you guys do?

Those who aimed/aiming for top schools, how do you continue to pursue your academics? I know what college you go to doesn't matter, but I seriously have no motivation anymore. No egotistical shit, but ever since I was young, I wanted to attend UPenn. But first semester junior year fucked it all up, overall 3.8 UW might as well just shoot me. It really depleted my motivation for second semester and I'm scared to meet the early decision gods at the end of the year because I know for a fact that I will get rejected from UPenn. It just hurts envisioning my mom sad because she worked so hard, I mean spent literal hours and money to just help me for MY dream, not even her desire, just for me to fuck it up. This lack of academic motivation is affecting everything, I've been slacking gym, not practicing my sport, my instrument, fuck man I even gave up my businesses I had. How do you bounce back? I need it super bad, I might even consider this a low for me mentally.