Praying actually worked in calming my anxiety! (Coming from a non-religious person)

Fyi, I'm not religious, I was raised religious but ended up not being once I grew up, but I respect people who are and I believe faith can be a powerful thing.

This past few weeks have been pretty bad and I'm anxious most of the day, which sucks, a lot. I was talking to my mom (who is religious, not in a radical way, but more religious than me that's for sure) and she said something between the lines of "you have been trying to calm your mind and body that you haven't really taken care of your soul" and it hit me. I am not a very spiritual person but at this moment, desperate times need desperate measures, so I closed my eyes, and prayed. Not exactly prayed, but talked, to whoever is up there. I talked about what's making me anxious, how I needed some help and how I hope this could be a safe space to be in.

When I tell you that I was so calmed and relieved... wow, it helped me see things more clear, at least for a couple minutes. I'm about to take my meds before going to sleep so I hope that this is going to be a chill night.

I respect people's religions and beliefs, I believe faith is a strong thing that can help a lot of people, so when I tell you that I (a non-religious person) felt at peace for a couple minutes of talking to the sky, is because I did.

If you ever feel like you have tried everything, maybe try to talk to whoever is up there, doesn't matter if you believe in something or not, don't think of it as "praying", but maybe as something like "letting your soul talk" y'know?

Please don't take this as religious propaganda. Like I said, I'm not religious, but I do think that we must take care of mind, body and soul.