Dating and panic attacks/Anxiety
Hi all, i’m just curious about some opinions, especially from M perspective please. I’m a 27(F), a bit of back story. I was in a long-term relationship for 6 years with someone, who was really abusive. The relationship started good, I was in love but then every year it got worse and worse. I got cheated on many times, financially controlled, and the last straw was when he raised his hands. Obviously all of this led to me having PTSD, anxiety and panic attacks. I kind of always had panic attacks and they never withhold me from enjoying my life, I could manage the easily, but obviously the PTSD is a different sort of beast that comes with a bouquet of emotions and sensations. I am over a year single now, healing, and finally at a stage where i’m feeling happy and content. This is not to say I can’t have a nightmare here or there, or anxiety, but at the same time I can enjoy my life. I am in control. I feel I am open to date, and again, since my ex my standards changed. I want someone good and respectful and etc, but I am also at a stage where my heart and brain are in dispute. I want to have a relationship but at the same time , I don’t want to be a burden, I don’t want my man waking up on me having nightmares or panic attacks, I don’t want to go out on a date and having an anxiety attack. Most of these stuff probably won’t even happen but this is how I feel now. A question to man : would you still date someone knowing they went through something like this? Would you be supportive etc? Or maybe you are with someone who has similar experiences? A question to ladies: have you had a guy who just accepted all of this and you are now all happy?
Many thanks for the answers and pls if you can’t leave a kind a comment, then don’t leave any :D