PSA: Getting Unwanted Villagers To Leave Has Never Been Easier!
This method requires a hacked 3ds. Frankly it is so easy to do, with so many benefits and little to no risk, that I see no reason why you shouldn't at least consider making the jump if you haven't already. Info here:
So I was scrolling through forums, scratching my head over different methods to kick villagers out which involved time travel/ignoring them/not ignoring them/crossing my fingers and waiting for like a month, etc.
Then I discovered ACNL Save Editor and did the deed in 5 minutes flat.
Here's how:
Follow the steps on the "how to" page on ANCL Save Editor to load up your save file. Make sure you back up your save first!!
Once you load up your save on the website, navigate to the "villagers" tab, click the little pencil icon next to the villager you want to move out, tick the box labelled "boxed".
And you're pretty much done! Overwrite your existing save with your edited one, restore it using checkpoint (detailed instructions on the "how to" page), load up your game and that ugly villager has their boxes packed, ready to leave!
Apologies if this is already common knowledge, but I was so happy to find I could do this so easily, and without detracting from the vanilla AC experience. Of course, if you wanna go crazy and mod the hell out of your game then go nuts, the save editor is an awesome tool which brings features like moving houses into New Leaf which I may experiment with in future, but I'm getting off track here, lol.
Enjoy your new life far away from me Tammi, you scary, scary monkey