A very talkative one
Normally Id tell a long winded story about my game. But this time around, there isnt much story to tell. By round 3 or 4 the game was over and 11 players were still alive. So this is gonna be shorter than normal.
Me, nana and white were imps. White snitched on banana almost the instant the game began, and of course nana was voted off. So I ratted white out. I said something along the lines of, "this isn't right, the reason white knew it was nana is because white and i are imps, and white snitched on nana for no reason." In response I was also voted off.
White claimed nana snitched first, but this isn't true. White had been in comms with me at the time and had no valid reason whatsoever to have accused nana. But it doesn't matter because White threw a tantrum after realizing they were probably going to get voted. They called every sab, and they were goading and insulting us in dead chat. So they were a hacker on top of being a troll. We were only a few rounds in. Only 4 of us were dead.
White had a full on mental breakdown about how even though they were gonna lose, since they broke the lobby and were hacking everything, they actually won, and they were gonna leave the lobby stuck like this while they "went to work", so no one could play. No one even brought this up. This was a weird convo they were having with themselves while nana and i were talking about reporting them.
This was by far the most talkative hacker I've ever seen. Its interesting and disappointing to look at their behavior and see how emboldened and overconfident they are in this regard. They seem to really believe that they are going to face zero consequences for their actions. And they seemed to be finding a lot of a joy in the idea that they were ruining everyone's experience.
"I've been getting reported for months," they said, "I can't be banned."
At the very least, I managed to block them and report their account.