What will happen here?
I applied for a seasonal position a couple of weeks ago and my Day 1 is this Friday. Today my access to A to Z opened up so I was going over there to check it out and checked to see what other schedules were available.
While I was looking at the schedules I noticed they were hiring for blue badge positions now (they weren't when I applied for seasonal), but when I went to try to reschedule my Day 1, the link was gone and it wouldn't let me.
I contacted application support through chat to let them know that I'm trying to change my schedule to the shift that was hiring blue badge positions, but they told me that I would have to just not show up for Day 1 and wait for 48 hours to reapply for that position.
I didn't know if that was good information and didn't want the schedule to disappear so I applied for the schedule with the blue badge.
Now I have a prehire appointment tomorrow for the blue badge position. That means I have 2 active jobs open. I don't really know how it let me apply for the second position with an already active application with a confirmed start date.
I thought about logging into A to Z to resign from the seasonal position that starts Friday, but I was wondering if that would make my other application inactive too or will it stick?
Or should I just wait until my prehire appointment tomorrow and find out there?
Tldr: I have 2 active job applications. One seasonal and one blue badge. I can't withdraw the seasonal, so I want to know if I resign from the seasonal if the blue badge one will stick or will they both go away?