AITA for trying to help?
Me and my friends were at a convention a couple days ago(we'll call him N) (we're all minors btw) and an 18 year old started hitting on and being really creepy toward one of our friends (16F, we'll call her J) I've been groomed multiple times in the past and began freaking out and began trying to keep everyone safe. I told them all we needed to stick together, and didn't let anyone go off on their own. The guy had been trying to get J on her own, and was a staff member at the convention. When one of my other friends went to baggage claim, some of N's friends reconized and tried asking my friend questions. (Not J, someone else). I was in a complete panic and was very upset and paranoid at the situation. One of our friends (we'll call her A) was visibly distressed and crying and I began offering to show her breathing techniques, and other tools to help. I offered snacks, water, and fidget toys, all while trying to get her to open up. I was being pushy, and later she described my actions as forceful. Now, understand that as I write this I obviously have some bias because I don't think was I did (or was trying to do) was wrong. When problems arise I try to fix them or at least make it as easy on the distressed as possible. I wanted to protect everyone by taking charge and staying in a group. But my friend (we'll call him B) messaged me today saying he was very upset at me. Some of it is completely understandable, because at the con I went to someone's hotel room who I didn't know. It was incredibly stupid but at the time I was lonely and wanted to feel wanted. One of my best friends was on vacation, who I heavily relied on for comfort and support, and I was feeling incredibly alone and unwanted. So I made a dumb mistake which I have apologized for. And recently that same bestfriend got into trouble with his parents and now we can't even talk over discord for weeks at a time. When B first confronted me about going to someone's hotel room, I was still dealing with the pain of losing said best friend and tried to dismiss it and not talk. I did tell B about this later but didn't want to infront of our whole friend group. In a text earlier today he told me all about how I was being forceful and made others uncomfortable at the convention. I gave my side of the story and tried to defend myself, and have now realized I was in the wrong and tried to apologize, but no one will talk to me now. I feel hurt for being completely cut off when I don't think what I did was that bad. No one will even tell me how to improve and prevent this from happening in the future. I don't know eveyrything and I don't know how to fix this. So AITA?