AIO my roommate makes me feel dumb

Sometimes when I (28f) spend time with my roommate (33f) (whom I am pretty close with) have what I’m thinking is a fun normal conversation (I tend to joke around a lot, I’m very sarcastic, I don’t take the conversation seriously because I think it’s fun banter) my roommate will make comments following mine maybe mansplaining, a lot of I’m right and you’re wrong. For example: I called the express lane the fast lane in a fun light hearted conversation and she went on a rant about the difference between the express lane and the fast lane. I know the difference between the two, and it had really nothing to do with the conversation. We watched a show and there was some major cultural appropriation going on. As we’re watching it I’m like yeah this is weird, and she said yeah it’s called cultural appropriation. Maybe it’s more of her tone of voice as she replies to me that makes me feel like….. like do you think I’m stupid? One wrong word or opinion and she sounds like a diva from the valley who can’t take a joke and knows everything. A lot of times when I ask her to explain something she says “look it up” instead of talking about it or teaching me something. She always talks about boundaries but when I make them it’s not ok. I mostly try to communicate with her and have explained to her that I dont appreciate the way she talks to me. I have also told her during moments where i truly do think she tries to make me feel stupid or just thinks im stupid I tell her hey it doesn’t make me feel good when you talk to me like that. Then she gets mad at me. She gets mad at me for communicating that i don’t like the way she talks to me. Am i overreacting? Do i need to just watch what i say around her and accept that fact that she thinks she’s better than everyone? The best I can explain her voice is like influencer valley girl where every statement kinda ends in a question tone of voice. It just hard when i try to communicate and she gets mad and storms out, and everything she says and thinks is right. I feel like if someone said hey i don’t like how you treat/talk to me i would say ok i didn’t mean to make you feel like that i will remember that and try harder next time because i respect you. AIO?????