AIO being stingy or justified with my gf?

Gf bought pork cat food x2 to split with me value around 45 bucks. Probs 60 after shipping. I spent over 76 on her rabbit cat food. Initially she agreed to split the bill and pay me the difference for the cat food. Then she didn't want to because she got me some random shit from shien around 15 bucks to break even the cost and pay less than originally planned.

Since she randomly got stingy I brought up how I got her things she also asked for I from Costco which is more than shien. If she's gonna randomly get stingy I will too. Then she said the food I eat from her groceries doesn't get counted. Well I spent hundreds of bucks on her last month: gifts, food, flowers and I didn't even account for, which she referred to as 'investment to save the relationship' so it doesn't count.

Finally she resorted to her usual line 'you park at my place for free and I don't even account for that.' Out of anger, I told her that I hardly use that parking since weekdays I normally take the public transit and weekend she hangs out with her friends, her giving me the parking space was originally for us to spend more time together during weekends. She ended up saying that I have to give back her keys and parking garage key. AIO or is she just being stubborn?