Ace of Hearts ❤️ - Pickpocket

Game Venue: Subway Metro Station

Player Limit: No Limit

Time Limit: No Limit

Prize: 1 Extra Day of Visa per elimination


Players are guided into a centralized Metro Station . Upon entering, players are given a phone each, plus an electronic badge with a touchscreen, displaying a picture of the player and a button on the center of the screen.

Upon descending, players are instructed to ride the Metro and await instructions. The rules will be announced in the phones and also the subway speakers after registration period ends.


-Once the game begins the Metro doors will shut, and it will begin moving.

-Players must keep their given badge hidden within them at all times. They are not allowed to pulled them out until reaching the upcoming station.

-Once the metro reaches an station, all doors will unlock. Players then must check-in by pulling out their badge and pressing the button on it within the next 30 seconds.

-Only the owner of a badge can successfully check-in with it.

  • After the check-in phase, the cycle repeats.

  • Players accumulate 1 extra day of visa at every instance whence players are unable to successfully check-in.

-Non-lethal violence is allowed.

  • A message saying “Attention to pickpockets!!” will display in every digital banner.


-Check-in at every stop, until the Metro reaches the terminal station.


-Fail to check-in in a station, in which case you’ll be lasered.

-Leaving/being pushed out of the Metro.


-If you haven’t noticed it yet, the Heart factor of this game, and thus, it’s difficulty, relies on wherever the players choose to just chill around till reaching the terminal, or decide to snatch other people badges to grab more days of visa.

-As an ace card game, there are 12 stations, including the starting point. Which means potentially players could get up to 11 days of visa should players start plotting against each other.

-The rules also grant people a way to get rid of egoistic players, by pushing them out of the Metro if they ride up suspicion.