Aerodrome 2025 vs pancake swap2021

Hey yall so I have a couple topics and some questions that I was wondering if someone can help answer. So in our last bull run in 2020-2021 April 29th approximately, a leading dex under uniswap was pancake swap and at its peak it saw a price of $44.18 I’m wondering if anyone knows what the annualized revenue was for pancake swap the couple of months leading up to this ath? Looking at defilama right now aerodrome has an annualized revenue of 333.49m, and pancake has annual revenue of 306.26m so to me that is amazing news for aerodrome especially considering how new of a platform it is. So coming from a perspective that inflation is not going to have as much of an affect as everyone and their mother thinks, why else would people think that anything around 40$ is not a realistic expectation from what people think is going to be one of the most ridiculous bull runs we have ever seen, why is everyone so pessimistic?