[F4A] A Dominant Lamia Finds You In The Woods [Fantasy] [Monster Girl] [Dommy Mommy Energy] [Strangers To More] [Comfort] [Reassurance] [Optional ASMR triggers] [Binaural] [Hair Play] [Personal Attention] [Sleep Aid Option] [CW: brief allusion to passive suicidal depression]

(Also posted at Scriptbin)

SUMMARY: (~1900 words)

You have been wandering though the woods for days, when you cross paths with a lamia. She is surprised to see you so far into the woods, and shocked when she learns why you've come. She makes you an offer: Submit yourself to her care, and she will give you an unspecified boon. You agree, and she takes you to her cave to care for and comfort you.


  • Gender-flipping is always welcome.
  • You can fill, post, and monetize freely. Just credit me (as u/RHfactoral) – and if your fill is behind a paywall, let me download a copy for myself. Either way, let me know you've filled it – I'd love to see what you've done! You can DM me at Reddit, post a comment or a link to your fill at , or email me at [rhfactoral.scripts@gmail.com](mailto:rhfactoral.scripts@gmail.com).
  • You are free to make cosmetic/surface modifications (name changes, minor wording choices for the sake of flow, ad libs), as long as they don't drastically affect the plot line and overall atmosphere.
  • You are not free to add anything hateful/bigoted/xenophobic to this script.
  • SFX are suggestions, not rules. I use square brackets to describe things like physical actions or scene/location transitions, but you are free to use sound effects for those moments – or not – at your discretion.
  • The same goes for music – I'll provide links to free-to-use suggestions, but you're always welcome to use something different – or nothing at all.
  • Constructive criticism is always welcome. Invited, even.

KEY to stage directions

[Square brackets and SFX: indicate sound effects and/or the action they're meant to depict]

(Parentheses indicate tonal or other such cues for the VA)

Italics indicate a word to be emphasized

Ellipses (...) indicate a pause for emphasis. A (beat) is a slightly longer pause than that. Space between paragraphs indicates a pause for the listener's "dialogue" (or a moment of quiet between listener and speaker)


  • The lamia has a sort of arch, vaguely-aristocratic mien to her: She is aware of how much more powerful she is than most of what's in the forest, but she carries herself with assurance, not arrogance.
  • For ease of reading and filling, I've specifically tagged the ASMR audio triggers. They are completely optional.
  • Likewise, I've made a note at the end of the script, if you choose to do an extended sleep aid fill.


[In the woods, a lost traveler (the listener) stops, alerted to the sound of something, or someone, among the trees. Someone who speaks:]

Hello, traveler. Are you lost?

No? I know you're almost a week's journey from any villages I know of.

(imperiously) Reveal myself? Take care, human. I am not something to be commanded.

(placated) That's better. Unexpected, but better.

[She draws closer, rustling]

Curious. You look strangely unsurprised to see a lamia. I, however, am quite surprised to see you unarmed.

(gentler) I see that tear. But I assure you, human, you have nothing to fear from me. Not yet.

(soft-spoken for the next three lines)

Just look into my eyes. I don't look so dangerous, do I?

That's right. And see how slowly I approach, how I wind between the trees?

[She draws even closer]

Oh, of course I'm large – I'm a lamia. But look in my eyes. I'm not intimidating, am I?

(whispers) Shh. It's okay. Nothing is quite what we expect.

(soft-spoken) Here I am now, almost face to face with you. See how soft my hand is? Like a human woman running her fingers through your hair.

[She coils the listener]

And see how I coil around you – so lightly, even as my skin presses against yours? But your arms are free to move. If you wanted to, you could run. You don't want to run, do you?

Of course not. Even now, as I start to grip you – don't worry, I won't crush you! – you feel strangely safe.

Mmm-hmm, yes.

Hypnotic? Why thank you, little one.

So tell me, human, what brings you so deep into the woods? Adventure? Curiosity? But wait: You're unarmed, in these woods. Do you have a death wish?

[Her volume returns to normal levels over the next lines]

"Yes," you said? You do? (laughs incredulously) You're certainly in the right place for that. I am not the only "monster" in the forest.

You did meet her? Then I'm intrigued: How did you make it past the arachne? Nobody escapes her – not usually, anyway – and I see the remnants of her thread across your legs.

Because I find it odd that she let you go. She's known for being cruel to her prey, you know.

(laughs even more incredulously) That's why she let you go? To be cruel?

[She relaxes her coils]

No . . . it makes sense now. The thing that's radiating from you; I sensed it in the air before I even saw you. Something troubled about you . . . .

You're damaged? You look perfectly intact to me, human. Hungry, perhaps, like you haven't eaten in a week, but intact.

Well? How are you damaged, then? Let me see.

[She examines the listener's head.]

[ASMR: The next two lines are, optionally, binaural]

No, not this side.

Not here, either . . . .

[She pulls back to her original position]

I see no damage to your head, little one. What do you . . . .

(chuckles) I don't believe I've ever been so curious about a human.

Because your kind are usually so simple, so single-minded, so . . . shamelessly self-absorbed.

You . . . agree?

[She draws closer again to listen]

(soft-spoken) Yes, I know what your people are like. All too well.

So . . . an outcast?

A runaway, then?

(with some bitterness) Oh yes, I do know what isolation is like. Most lamia do now, since your people started gobbling up our woods.

We used to live in villages ourselves. I remember, when I was small, living with a group near the . . .place I live in now.

The humans razed the woods around it. I'm sure you can figure out what happens next . . . .Why on earth would you leave the safety of your home?

I'm listening. . . .

No, that sounds quite clever. A boar trap? Interesting.

They said what? Why?

(incredulous) That's . . . stupid. And self-defeating.

That's how humans treat their own, too? Is that what makes you think you're damaged, little one?

(soft-spoken) No. You don't deserve to be punished, by them or me.

(consoling) Of course not. Absolutely not. What an awful thing to say. Especially about yourself.

So that's what they've told you? That's what brought you here, little one?

Let me be clear then. I have no intention of killing you. I have even less interest in eating you.

(chuckles) I have something better in store for you. If you're willing to follow me..

[ASMR: The next two lines are, optionally, binaural]

Follow me, and I will teach you things. Or you can leave, and take your chances with whoever else lives in these woods.

There are kitsune further along the path. They are said to be quite gentle with their humans, for the most part – but more possessive. And they can't offer you what I can.

[She draws back again]

Why come with me? Like I said, I will teach you things that will benefit you in the long term.

(chuckles indulgently) I know you have no reason to trust me. But I can promise you: what I have to offer is better than death.

[She draws closer again]

[ASMR: The next two lines are, optionally, binaural]

You're going to have to give yourself over to me, however. At least at first.

But it must be your choice to do so.

Follow and obey me, and I will show you a secret you cannot yet imagine.

(close, soft-spoken) You don't need to call me "mistress," little one.

No apologies, little one. In fact, you deserve a reward for being so . . . enthusiastic.

[She coils the listener again]

(soft-spoken) Do you feel how my coils wrap you again? How finely I control them?

[She ripples her coils up and down the listener's body]

How my body ripples over yours, starting with your hands pressed against your sides. How the pressure of my coils rolls up and down your arms, your torso, your legs?

You don't have to be afraid anymore, pet. Of them, or me.

Mmm-hmm. Come here. Put your head against my shoulder.

(The next four lines are soft-spoken, with a consoling tone)

[ASMR: You might make these three lines binaural, or pan them slightly to the right]

Yes, you may put your arms around me, too.

Shhh, pet. I would be crueler than the arachne if I didn't.

Because you're unlike any of the other humans I've ever met, and I want to understand more about why.

[hug ends]

There you go. Are you ready to come with me back to my cave, little one? (beat) Good.

[She releases her coils]

And now is your first instruction: Whenever I bring you out for a walk, you will keep your hand in mine, especially when we go out into the woods. This is for your own protection, as much as anything else. It lets other creatures know who you belong to.

That's good. That's very good, little one. That's exactly where I want you.

(gently) Shhh, pet. You must also pay attention to these woods, whether we're talking or not. It's important that you learn to be attuned to them.

You're going to be going out into them again. sooner than you may think. I intend for you to be able to know this forest like I do.

Now pay attention to what you see around you. The trees and thickets along our path will tell you where you are. They will keep you from getting lost, when I'm not with you.

You'll be ready. We're going to make sure you don't get lost.

(sotto voce, benevolent) Ever again.

(regular voice) Hmmm? No, pet. I was just talking to myself.

[Time passes, and they arrive at her cave]

Here we are. Home, little one.

It may be warmer than a regular human dwelling. But it's still a bit cold, by lamia standards.

You're comfortable? Good. Good. Now light the lantern, and I'll show you the interior.

The fire is here, toward the mouth of the cave, but far enough inside that even the worst of storms have yet to reach it.

See? Right here. It's burnt down to coals, but we're going to want it to get hotter when we cook our dinner. The firewood is over there.

[Listener brings over an armful of wood, with some struggle]

Mm-hmmm, another armful. And yes; that'll be enough.

[Listener drops firewood on the ground, exhausted by the effort]

(after a beat) No, you're correct; you will need to build your strength. But that will come over time. (Chuckles) And sooner than you think.

Exactly. One piece at a time. And yes, go right ahead with some kindling beneath the first ones. There's plenty of that.

I'll get the cooking pot set up. Some boar, vegetables, water . . . (laughs) Of course I'm using the bones, too, pet. That makes the best soup.

It will take a while, of course. For tonight, we'll have some boar jerky I learned to make from the kitsune.

Over there, in my pantry jars. Yes, there.

Of course, pet. You must be starving. Take a piece and bring the rest here.

One piece for now. No more.

(consolingly) Don't worry, little one. You won't be hungry much longer..

Good. Now come and lay here in my coils, like a sleeping mat, while I take a piece.

(Mumbles as she takes a bite of jerky). There you go.

[She breaks off a piece] Now you take a bite.

I broke it from mine, yes.

(chuckles) Because I'm feeding you, silly pet.

There you go. Here's another.

You look so cute like that, pet. Laying in my lap, so content. Dare I say, happy?

I'm glad. Now, let's talk about you and me.

First of all, I don't expect you to call me Mistress – ma'am will do just fine.

That's perfect, pet. Well done.

I do, however, expect you to follow my instructions while you're here. You will not be a slave, but you will need to heed me as you learn to work alongside me . . . . Here. Another piece.

There may be other things I ask you to do, but there will always be a reason for them. And for the most important ones, they will never be without your consent.

There you go. It is good jerky, isn't it? Sweet, with just the right amount of spice.

So, then: Do you trust me, pet?

(pleased) Good! (beat) There will be things I teach you – and test you over. Some will be obvious things, things you need to know to survive. Others may not be as obvious at first.

(chuckles benevolently) I don't mean to be mysterious. I promise you, at the end of this journey, you'll understand everything we're doing.

(pleased) Good. Very, very good.

[ASMR: Strokes listener's hair over the next four lines. Video ASMRtists run their fingers over their microphone's foam screen to create this sound, but you may want to be a little softer with it than many of them are.]

[ASMR: The next three lines are binaural.]

(softly) Does it feel good when I stroke your hair like that, pet?

I enjoy how it feels, too, running your hair between my fingers.

(chuckles indulgently) I know you're exhausted, pet – but it's not quite time to go to sleep yet. Soon, though.

[They stand]

Come. There's another part of the cave I want to show you.

[They walk through the caverns, eventually coming to one with a bubbling hot spring]

We're here – see the hot spring?. This is where I like to come sometimes, when I need to relax. The water feels so good and warm. Dip your hand and see.

Isn't it, though? I'm going to bathe right now, as a matter of fact.

[ASMR: The next two lines are binaural]

You're welcome to join me, if you like. I think you'll find it quite enjoyable.

(bemused) Oh, pet. You are positively adorable when you blush. Is that modesty?

It's alright, little one. I'll turn my back while you're in the springs with me.

[Speaker coils her tail around the listener once as she gets in the water]

I will have to insist on throwing a coil around your waist, though. I have never seen anything in these caves that could threaten you, but if we should be caught by surprise, I want to be able to snatch you away to safety immediately.

(chuckles affectionately, but a little taken aback) Of course I would save you, pet. Why wouldn't I?

[The listener joins her in the water]

There you go. The water is just the right temperature, don't you think?

Exactly. When we're done here, we'll return to our sleeping mat at the fire, warmed and refreshed and ready for a good night's rest.

That's something else I should discuss with you. Being a lamia, I struggle to retain heat at night, especially in the cold months. If I'm by myself, that is.

(impressed) You catch on fast, little one. And you flatter me – it's rare for anyone or anything, animal or human, to be so enthusiastic about having me coil them.

(Chuckles) I am pleased, pet. But I want to be certain that you –

Thank you. That's very sweet of you to say.

(extra pause as they luxuriate in the water)

I know what you mean, pet. It would be easy to fall asleep like this. And you've had a rough few days, haven't you?

If you like, I can make a place for you to lay in my coils. I wouldn't be able to have my back to you, however.

Why, thank you, pet. It . . . flatters me, to see how much you already trust me.

(soothing) There you go. Just rest in my coils, and let the water soothe you to sleep. Just . . . Like . . . That . . .

[VA NOTE: You are welcome to spend the next minute – or ten, or thirty, or more – ad-libbing the occasional sigh, chuckle, or whatever you like for the speaker, as the listener sleeps in her coils]

[The speaker finds herself starting to nod off, and wakes the listener]

(whispering) Wake up, little one. Let's go back to the fire before I fall asleep in the water, too.

– END –