I’m a frat mom: AMA.

Out of respect and for privacy reasons, I will not say which fraternity I work for. We are affiliated with University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

No, I don’t live in the fraternity house. I do spend more time there than at home, but who doesn’t spend more time at work than home these days?

There are 26 frat boys living in the house with ~100 active UG members.

My sister (a full time social worker/therapist) and I run their meal program- lunch and dinner Monday-Friday.

We also clean the house weekly, deep clean over breaks when residents are gone.

AMA- when I have a spare minute throughout the day I’ll respond but I’m running around bouncing from one task to another amid 5 floors in a historic 16 bedroom house so it might not be a quick response.

EDIT: Please read posted responses before asking your question.