Told my wife to exercise

I’m turning 50. For most of my life I was fat and lazy. About three years ago, I started making real changes. Daily exercise, goals, weight loss, no alcohol, no meat, the works. I’ve lost 40 lbs. I started to care how I look and strive for a good appearance. I did this for my own health and to set a good example for my children.

My wife is 47. We have been married for 17+ years. She refuses to participate in any exercise or diet whatsoever. She is considerably overweight and highly sedentary. This is building resentment in me.

I work my ass off to correct years of bad habits. I want to live. I want her to be with me. Her path, I fear is bound to lead to more and more health and mobility issues. That will make our retirement plans virtually impossible.

She takes no initiative and gets angry when I encourage her to participate. I have informed her in loving ways that’s it’s time to change. She always promises to do something. …and the. Comes home with shit tons of junk food from Costco. Nothing changes.

Then I told her I am deeply angry at the lack of effort. Shallow as it may seem…her health is my first priority. Of course I would like her to take some pride in her appearance too…but I’ll take living and mobile over appearance any day. Same story. No change.

In this world of body positivity and what not…AITA for wanting better from my wife?