NEW ADHD RIGHT TO CHOOSE NHS PROVIDER: CareADHD (Assessment in <2 weeks currently!)

England Only

I cannot vouch for them, but any clinic with an NHS contract *should* have passed relevant tests, and you should have more success in entering an SCA with your GP than privately. Their waiting time will certainly shoot up the more people find out.

As per ADHDUK (not affiliated, but we have spoken a few times; their timescales are generally accurate, and the site is a good source), you will currently have an assessment in <14 days.

If you're on a year-long waiting list or considering referral for ADHD, you may want to 'jump on this' if you're satisfied with CareADHD, and your GP is. I certainly would do this - or at least enquire - if I was recently referred to somewhere with a long waiting time.

Be warned that a lot of GPs are just familiar with the "established" RtC clinics, ADHD 360 and Psychiatry-UK, so you may have to explain the situation to them or show information.

I would ring and contact CareADHD to be assured everything goes smoothly if you change.


CareADHD Right to Choose information: