Support champions I like but rarely see played well

Morgana. Most Morgana players waste their Q and E for fun, they have no sense of holding the spells for important moments so the bind just gets thrown around like it is a poke spell and the E gets wasted on trying to block the poke of an AD champion.

Sona. The champion is all about spacing, but very few people really space well on her, they walk into melee range to poke with her Q, get hit by everything even though they have a 20% speed boost on E, use Power Chords on minions and never engage with Flash R even though that can win teamfights.

Lulu. She is so busted and has been OP for so long that you really do not need to be a good Lulu to win on her, but most Lulu players just trail around you and click their spells without realizing how much damage and pressure they have in the early lane with their E+Q and Pix auto attacks. Very passive laners.

Blitzcrank. Probably the hook support with whom I have the worst experiences, my Bltzcrank trauma started when I was playing with one VS a Sett Yuumi bot lane and he kept hooking them into my melee range even though I was successfully kiting them and winning the lane 1v2. They hook targets I do not want near me or engage all ins before I am ready way too often, I get nervous whenever my support picks him.