Rant About OffMeta Supports In Low Elo (WHY???)
I don't mind offmeta like Elise support or Evenlynn support but there are some picks that are borderline trolling. I played with an Ekko support today who had the audacity to blame me in lane, sure I make a lot of mistakes but dying 12 times in lane should be reportable no? 10 losses in a row, you should realise you are the problem no? He said look at my cs, I average 7-9 cs almost every game except that game where I had a 3.6cs. I do not mind playing with an offmeta support in high elo because they obviously have the skills to back it up, but please if any supports are reading this play supports in the support tab, it would make the game so much easier for our entire team! Look at me, I don't play troll picks like sona adc unless its normals because why ruin the game? And I am not good enough too! People are probably going to downvote this saying get better 1v2 lane, your in low elo who cares etc etc, but this is just my perspective of offmeta in low elo, everyone has their own POV.
TLDR: If you are in low elo play traditional supports (mage, enchanters, engage) until you know how to support.
Edit: Maybe I was extra angry that game because I knew the enemy Jinx was bad and it was my rankup game too, and it was so carriable if I had a maokai etc.