How do you deal with poke in lane?

This is not a vent post, but I wanna hear advice. I just had a game on Aphelios with TF support against Ashe Vel Koz. I'm not aware of the support matchup but in lane, TF couldn't walk up to poke because of Ashe W and Vel Koz's combo. And every time I walk up for cs I get comboed. I dodged like 70% of those but only 2 are needed to send me back to nearly zero health and I have to reset and back. By 12 mins, all my platings are gone and I'm down 20 cs. Once they hit level 6, I always have to think about flashing because with their ult I get 100-0 even with barrier. I genuinely want to hear advice on this matchup. Should I dodge better XD? What can I do? Generally too, what do you do against poke support if your support is also poking type but can't poke?