We should be nicer to pkers - all they have is:

  • Teleblock
  • Freezes on two spellbooks
  • Cave entry fees
  • Teleport delays (unless you've completed wilderness diaries)
  • Peek options on boss caves to quickly check if someone's inside
  • One-way entrances / exits on caves
  • Mandatory 1000 ether charges on rev weapons
  • Special logic around buying bones in the chaos altar
  • 500k risk on untradeable items (Trouver parchment)
  • Clue scroll changes to prevent coordinate clue mobs from preventing combat
  • Reduced PJ timer with NPC's to make it harder to use boxing as an escape
  • Black Dhide nerfs
  • Dinh's Bulwark nerfs
  • Justiciar nerfs
  • Anglerfish nerfs
  • Singles+ combat
  • Items that always drop on death (Ethereum bracelet)
  • Higher drop rates when skulled
  • Guaranteed follows out of the escape caves