Voting no to the proposed delve boss rewards

As it stands, the drop table will not be sustainable in terms of profitability long-term. Given that the regular loot will not scale with delve, only the tradeable uniques (treads, necklace, demonbane wep) will prop up the gp/hr here.

Treads have the same issue of pegasian crystal of being tied to ranger boots, so after a year or so when the number of treads surpasses the number of ranger boots, treads will inevitably crash. The only way this doesn't happen is if the treads are incredibly rare, and I don't think anyone wants another nightmare drop table situation. The necklace is best in slot, but why was the flat minimum hit mechanic scrapped? There was an opportunity to have this help sang/harm catch up to shadow, but now we're getting an item worse than the pre-nerf occult. And the crush demonbane weapon is far too niche - who asked for another demonbane weapon after we just got 3 from tormented demons?

I was so hyped for this update, but I really feel like the community is being ignored when we say that these rewards are not exciting or valuable enough for osrs's first "enrage" boss.