I get the frustration, but at what point are we self sabotaging the future of the game and hurting the developers who genuinely care and do good work?
I understand the backlash of the recent survey and the line of thinking it implies from Jagex. I understand wanting to make it clear to them that certain actions/ideas are unacceptable and have legitimate consequences from the player base (the customers). But at what point are we just self sabotaging the game we play? Review bombing RuneScape when no actual changes have happened for example is self sabotage in my opinion. At the end of the day, generally speaking osrs is a gem of game, not perfect or course, but the player counts speak for themselves. Its a good game that has a lot of amazing developers who genuinely care and put good work into the game. Review bombing runescape is going AGAINST the good guys. Be frustrated but be reasonable, you can distrust and see evil in EVERYTHING, at what point do we move forward? Be vocal, but don’t destroy osrs reputation for the sake of your anger especially when nothing has actually been done!